We want to get the word out that Women Have Options when facing an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. Lori Stone has created a flyer that has all the resources available for those in that situation or know of someone that can use this valuable information.

This link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10vG4IHWtwrEiuxYcrlXsiXNg53q8HBpG-wIMWFpOWQ0/edit?usp=sharing will take you to a Google Sheet that has all the streets in the City of Murrieta. Pick a street that you would like to walk and put the flyers on each door. When you pick the street, put your name and phone number next to that street so we don’t have more than one person on any given street. Once you finish passing out the flyers go back to the Google Sheet and add the date you finished. The flyers are available at Promise Church located at 25664 Madison Ave.

If you would like to donate to have more flyers printed please click here https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z463/campaign/C-151F2